Welcome » Points of Pride

Points of Pride

  • A Pardee 4th grade students is one of ten Michigan fourth graders who won Priority Health’s “Healthy School Essay Contest.”  Priority Health came to Pardee for a school assembly to honor him and present Pardee, in his name, a check for $1,000.00 to purchase physical education equipment. 
  • Pardee continues using the “Project Wisdom” program, Helping Students Make Wiser Choices.  This program has a monthly theme, involving a daily reading of one-minute messages read each morning over the intercom to encourage and support positive behavior choices and reminding students to be Respectful, Responsible and Safe.
  • Pardee continues to utilize the School-Wide Positive Behavior Support (PBS) program.  The main focus of the plan is to have school-wide management strategies for all students, across all grade levels and to reward students daily, weekly and monthly for making good choices.
  • Hegira Prevention Center Parenting Program titled: Families That Care:  Guiding GoodChoices.  This free six week program gives parents the knowledge and skills needed to guide their children through early adolescence.
  • Fifth Grade Fall Camp:  Pardee’s 5th grade students and teachers attended, for the first time, a week-long science camp to enrich outdoor education and MEAP test concepts.  Our goal is to have our entire 5th grade student body experience this worthwhile camp.