Welcome to Dearborn Heights School District No. 7!

Dear Pardee Families,
I am pleased to welcome you back to the 2022-23 school year! I would like to extend a special welcome to all of the new families joining the Pardee Family this year and welcome back all of our returning families as well! I am excited about the opportunity to work with such an incredible staff as we ensure that each and every student receives an education that leaves a lasting impression and prepares them for the future.
The 2022-23 school year will mark my 17th year in education. Although I am an educator, I am also a husband and father. My wife, Courtney, and I have two boys, Jack and Crosby. I believe that every student deserves a quality education in a safe environment. That is most successful when a school and its families work together for the best interests of our children. Therefore, working together with you and our Pardee team is my top priority. As principal, my door is always open, and I welcome and encourage your input. Please feel free to stop in or make an appointment to discuss any ideas, suggestions, or concerns that you may have. I look forward to working with you and your child(ren).